*Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaih today held discussions with senior counsel F S Nariman about the ongoing legal battle with neighbouring Tamil Nadu in the Supreme Court over the release of Cauvery water, which is expected to come up for hearing on Monday.*
Chief Minister met Nariman in Delhi and discussed about the opinion that the court had expressed yesterday, officials in the Chief Ministers office said.
After the meeting Chief Minister said Karnatakas lawyers will present its case on Monday.
The Supreme Court had yesterday advised Tamil Nadu and Karnataka to "live and let live", as they locked horns and traded charges in the courtroom over the release of Cauvery water.
The court was hearing Tamil Nadus plea, seeking a direction to Karnataka to release 50.52 tmc feet of Cauvery water to save 40,000 acres of samba crops this season.
Nariman is appearing for Karnataka in the case.
Water Resources Minister M B Patil, who is also in Delhi, is holding meetings with legal experts and lawyers.
Reacting to the developments in the apex court in connection with the case, Patil had yesterday said the states legal team would present the ground realities, and inform the court about Karnatakas drinking water needs, deficit rain and storage levels in four reservoirs in the Cauvery basin area.
Karnataka had earlier made it clear that it was not possible for it to spare Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu given the "severe distress" it was facing; an all-party meeting had decided that the same stand should be placed before the Supreme Court. Reported by Deccan Herald 2 hours ago.
Chief Minister met Nariman in Delhi and discussed about the opinion that the court had expressed yesterday, officials in the Chief Ministers office said.
After the meeting Chief Minister said Karnatakas lawyers will present its case on Monday.
The Supreme Court had yesterday advised Tamil Nadu and Karnataka to "live and let live", as they locked horns and traded charges in the courtroom over the release of Cauvery water.
The court was hearing Tamil Nadus plea, seeking a direction to Karnataka to release 50.52 tmc feet of Cauvery water to save 40,000 acres of samba crops this season.
Nariman is appearing for Karnataka in the case.
Water Resources Minister M B Patil, who is also in Delhi, is holding meetings with legal experts and lawyers.
Reacting to the developments in the apex court in connection with the case, Patil had yesterday said the states legal team would present the ground realities, and inform the court about Karnatakas drinking water needs, deficit rain and storage levels in four reservoirs in the Cauvery basin area.
Karnataka had earlier made it clear that it was not possible for it to spare Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu given the "severe distress" it was facing; an all-party meeting had decided that the same stand should be placed before the Supreme Court. Reported by Deccan Herald 2 hours ago.